Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2024)                   JCHR 2024, 13(1): 87-100 | Back to browse issues page

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Kargar Sharif Abad A, Nazari R, Salimi M. Institutionalization of Sports for All in Iranian Families. JCHR 2024; 13 (1) :87-100
URL: http://jhr.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-1048-en.html
1- Department of Sport Management, Sport Science Faculty, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2- Department of Sport Management, Sport Science Faculty, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran , r.nazari@khuisf.ac.ir
3- Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Isfahan of University, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract:   (577 Views)
Background: The institutionalization of sports in families plays a significant role in promoting the health of the society. This study is aimed to extract effective background factors in institutionalizing sports in Iranian families.  
Methods: The present research follows interpretive paradigm, inductive logic and qualitative approach. Besides meta-synthesis approach and interviews were conducted. The research population of the present study included 166 national and international articles presented over the last twelve- year period. After screening the articles, 15 studies were finally selected which met the necessary criteria and were analyzed using content analysis technique. In the next step, an interview was conducted with 23 experts in “public sports” in a targeted manner using the snowball and theoretical saturation techniques, and finally, the codes of the first and second stages were combined.
Results: Meta-synthesis results led to the identification of 36 indices, the overlap of the codes was compared, the results showed the reliability of 0.92 After the interview was conducted, 41 indices were identified. The comparison of the results in two time periods showed the reliability of 0.89. Finally, by latent content analysis, summarizing, overlapping and merging the codes of the previous two steps, 47 influential indices affecting the institutionalization of sports in Iranian families were extracted.
Conclusion: Based on the results of our research it can be concluded that by recognizing, planning and creating mechanisms for the operationalization of the discovered factors, the process of institutionalizing physical activity in Iranian families will be facilitated.

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Review: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2024/01/10 | Accepted: 2024/04/19

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