Volume 12, Issue 2 (11-2023)                   JCHR 2023, 12(2): 256-262 | Back to browse issues page

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Chopra D, Jauhari N, Mishra S. A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study of Health Profile and Pattern of Disease regarding the Elderly in Rural Areas of Uttar Pradesh. JCHR 2023; 12 (2) :256-262
URL: http://jhr.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-768-en.html
1- Department of Community Medicine, Autonomous State Medical College, Hardoi, India , drdeepakchoprakgmu17@gmail.com
2- Department of Ophthalmology, Balrampur Hospital, Lucknow, India
3- Department of Community Medicine, Saraswathi Institute of Medical Science, Unnao, India
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A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study of Health Profile and Pattern of Disease regarding the Elderly in Rural Areas of Uttar Pradesh

Deepak Chopra 1*, Nidhi Jauhari 2, Sandhya Mishra 3
  1. Department of Community Medicine, Autonomous State Medical College, Hardoi, India
  2. Department of Ophthalmology, Balrampur Hospital, Lucknow, India
  3. Department of Community Medicine, Saraswathi Institute of Medical Science, Unnao, India
Original Article
Received: 25 May 2023
Accepted: 18 Sep 2023
Background: Morbidity pattern shows the burden of the disease and time trends, highlighting demographic differences in disease burden. It also demonstrates the extent and nature of the disease load in the community, and thus, assists in establishment of the priorities for monitoring and evaluating disease control activities, allocating the resources and monitoring the trends for the effect of intervention5.Hence, this study aims to determine the prevalence of common morbidities in the elderly age group.
Methods: This was a descriptive and cross-sectional study conducted on the 318 elderly subjects in rural areas. Of 60 or above. Random sampling was done to select the villages. A house to house survey was conducted in every selected village, and eligible subjects were interviewed till the required sample size was reached. The study tools were a pre-tested, pre-validated questionnaire Variables included socio- -demographic factors such as age, sex, religion, marital status, education, occupation, type of family, family income, etc.
Results: Female preponderance was seen in the study subjects. The majorities of the subjects was between 60-70 and were suffering from either one or two morbidities. 70 % had a positive family history. There were behavioral risk factors (addiction/ habit) in 35% of the participants, and the most common problem was smoking. The most common problems were generalized muscular weakness (63%) followed by gastrointestinal (GI) problems. Around 5% of the study subjects suffered from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (CVD).
Conclusion: Regarding the socio-demographic characteristics, behavioral factors and morbidities, the present study is comparable to many other studies conducted in India. The burden of different diseases or the morbidity pattern is different in different parts of the country.

Keywords: Morbidity, Elderly, Burden, prevalence

Corresponding Author:
Deepak Chopra
How to cite this paper:
Chopra D, Jauhari N, Mishra S. A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study of Health Profile and Pattern of Disease regarding the Elderly in Rural Areas of Uttar Pradesh. J Community Health Research 2023; 12(2): 256-262.

Aging is a process which starts from birth and ends with death. It is a continuous, lifelong, irreversible, and inevitable process. It is defined as a progressive and generalized impairment of functioning, leading to the loss of adaptive response to stress and growing risk of age related diseases; the result is progressive increase in age-specific mortality (1). Worldwide, age distribution has shifted towards older population due to increased life span of individuals. India is also showing a similar trend, with the increasing size of the elderly population. Ccurrently, the elderly constitute 8% of India's population (2).
Health status and its outcomes in individuals also depends on certain behavioral risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, poor nutrition, physical inactivity, etc (3). Other factors like heredity, environment, and personal characteristics like socio-economic status, gender, etc, also influence the elderly's health. Rapid urbanization, more inclination towards nuclear families, and population movement make caring for the elderly a social problem in India (4). Apart from other social life events like retirement and relocation, death of friends and partners also influence the elderly's health (2, 3). The rapid growth of the elderly population presents a new challenge to health system. Hence, to improve the overall quality of life, the burden of disease for the elderly should be reduced.
Formulating health policies requires health statistics for evidence-based formulation of policies and strategies. Health indicators have an influence on policy planning and resource allocation. Various morbidity and mortality indicators such as birth rate, death rate, life expectancy at birth, and morbidity/mortality patterns are vital measures of the population’s health; therefore, various diseases which affect the population's health need to be identified. Morbidity pattern indicates the burden of the disease and time trends, highlighting demographic differences in disease burden by age, sex, ethnic status, etc. The pattern also shows the extent and nature of the disease burden in the community, and thus, assists in establishing priorities for monitoring and evaluating disease control activities, allocating resources, and monitoring the trends for the effect of intervention (5). There has been limited research on the morbidity pattern in community in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Hence, this study aims to determine the prevalence of common morbidities in the elderly age group.
This was a descriptive and cross-sectional study conducted in rural areas under the field practice area of Rural Health Training center of a tertiary care Institute in Lucknow. The study units eligible for enrolment under the study were elderly population (60 or above). The study was conducted between September, 2019 to January, 2020. A total of 318 eligible study subjects were included in the study. The inclusion criteria were  were willingness to participate, and only one member from a family could be enrolled. Those who were not willing to participate, were very sick, or were not able to speak/ give interview, were excluded from the study. The survey team collected data by interviewing eligible study subjects during house to house visit; data were recorded on a pre-tested, pre-designed, and pre-structured questionnaire. Out of a total 18 villages, 9 villages were selected randomly. The sample size of 318 people was divided among these 9 villages (35-36 participants from each village). Subjects were interviewed till the required sample size was reached. A similar process was carried out in all the 9 selected villages.
Study tools
The study tool was a proforma-based questionnaire which was pre-tested and pre-validated. The questionnaire consisted of two sections, first section included socio-demographic details, and the second section was about clinical history and examination.  If available, previous health records were also taken into account . Variables included socio-demographic factors such as age, sex, religion, marital status, education, occupation, type of family, family income.
Data analysis
Data were analyzed through SPSS 19. and descriptive statistics were used to explain the results. Ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional Ethics Committee, and the subjects were assured of the confidentiality of their information. Health education regarding disease prevention, control and management, and availability of relevant health services was provided.
Table 1 shows that among 318 participants, the

majority (53%) were between 60-70 ,followed by 35% between 70-80. A slight preponderance of females was observed, and the majority were Hindu (85%). The proportion of illiterate population was only 17 % but among the literate, only 5% were graduated or had higher education degrees.

75% of the participants were married, while 57% were living in a joint family, and 43% had a nuclear family. More than 90% of the subjects belonged to lower-middle to lower socio-economic status as per modified BG Prasad Classification.6
Table 1. Showing the socio-demographic characteristics of the study subjects (N = 318)
Characteristics Number Percent
Age group (years)
60- 70 169 53%
70- 80 111 35%
80- 90 35 11%
90 - 100 3 1%
Male 153 48%
Female 165 52%
Hindu 270 85%
Muslim 41 13%
Others 7 2%
Illiterate 54 17%
Below primary school degree 89 28%
Primary school degree 57 18%
Junior-high degree 50 16%
Senior-high degree 28 9%
HS 22 7%
Graduate 18 5%
Housewife 136 43%
Farmer 35 11%
Laborer 16 5%
Businessperson 63 20%
Employed 20 6%
Retired 48 15%
Marital status
Married 241 76%
Unmarried 10 3%
Widow 58 18%
Widower 9 3%
Type of family
Nuclear 136 43%
Joint 182 57%
Socio- economic status
Lower 111 35%
Upper lower 95 30%
Lower middle 73 23%
Upper middle 35 11%
Upper 4 1%
Table 2 observed that 75% of the participants were suffering from one or two morbidities while approximately one-fourth of the subjects had 3 or more problems. 60% of the participants knew about the family history of chronic diseases, and 70% had some sort of positive family history. Common disorders found in family history were eye problems, hypertension, and diabetes. Behavioral risk factors (addiction/ habit) were present in approximately one-third of study subjects, and smoking was the most common problem.
Table 2. The rate of morbidities and risk factors in study subjects
Morbidities (N = 318) Number Percent
One morbidity 115 36%
Two morbidities 128 40%
Three morbidities 56 18%
More than three morbidities 19 6%
Number Percent
Being aware of the family history of NCD (N = 318) 190 60%
Positive family history among those who are aware, (N = 190) 133 70%
Morbidities regarding positive family history (N = 133) Number Percent
Eye problems 18 14%
Hypertension 13 10%
Diabetes 5 4%
Behavioural risk factors (N = 318) Number Percent
Any kind of addiction/ habit 111 35%
Smoking (N = 111) 39 35%
Smokeless tobacco (N = 111) 17 15%
Alcohol (N = 111) 14 13%
Table 3 shows that the most common ailment affecting the elderly  were generalized muscular weakness (63%), followed by gastrointestinal(GI) problems (56%). 45 % and 425% of the study subjects were suffering from Musculoskeletal problems (low back ache, joint pain, osteoarthritis) and anemia respectively. Ophthalmological (vision) problems, respiratory problems, and dermatological disease were observed in 36 %, 28% and 23% respectivelyof the study subjects, cardiovascular diseases 4% were seen. Diabetes was observed in around 5% of study subjects.
Table 3. Morbid conditions in study subjects
Morbidity condition Number Percent
Generalized weakness 200 63%
G I  problems 179 56%
Musculoskeletal/ joint problems 143 45%
Anemia (clinical) 133 42%
Eye related problems (visual problems/ impaired vision) 115 36%
Respiratory problems 89 28%
Skin problems 74 23%
Hypertension 42 13%
Dental problems 34 11%
Gynecological problems *
(only female subjects considered)
14 8%
Central nervous system/epilepsy 26 8%
Ear, nose, throat/hearing loss/senile deafness/ impaired hearing 19 6%
Urinary disturbance 20 6%
Diabetes Type II 16 5%
Cardiovascular problems/ Ischemic Heart Disease 13 4%
Other problems such as malignancies/ insomnia/ depression 15 5%
The majority (53%) of the participants were between 60-70 , followed by 70-80 age group (35%). The findings of the current research were supported by other studies (7-11). This study found the preponderance of female subjects compared to males, in accordance with other studies (7, 9, 11-15). However, some studies found more males participating in the study. This project was conducted during noon hours, implying that the male in the household could have been out for work to earn a living (8, 10). The majority of the subjects were Hindu, and the findings were similar to other studies.  In one study, the majority of the populations were muslims (8, 9). Although the level of education was low, most of the participants were literate (83%) and very few (only 5%) were graduate or above. The current study reported a low level of illiteracy among the population in comparison to the other studies (7-9, 13, 15). Female subjects were mainly housewives , while males were mainly retired , which was in line with a study conducted in Assam.14 Approximately, 75% of the cases were currently living with their spouse, and a very small percentage was unmarried or widower. Around 57 % had a joint family, and more than 85% of the subjects belonged to lower-middle to lower socio-economic status. Similar findings were reported by other studies as well (9, 13, 15).
60% of study participants were aware about their family history of disease among whom, a 70%positive family history was observed. The eye (vision) related problems were reported to be the most common in family history, followed by diseases like hypertension and diabetes (10% and 4% respectively). Higher prevalence of hypertension and diabetes were reported by Srinivas et al. (13).The difference in findings could be due to the fact that this study was limited to the rural areas with a comparatively less prevalence rate of non-communicable diseases. Smoking (35%) was the most common addiction/ habit among the subjects, similar to the findings reported in other studies (12, 13).
According to the current study, 75% of the participants were suffering from one or two morbidities, similar to findings in other studies (11, 13, 14). The generalized muscular weakness was reported in 63% of the subjects, followed by GI problems. Various studies reported different rates of morbidities (7, 9, 13, 15). The current study discovered that the prevalence of anemia was about 40% ,which was in concordance with the research reported from other parts of India (8, 11, 14-16). The prevalence of musculoskeletal problems (low back pain, joint pain, osteoarthritis) in this study was around 45%, which was quite similar to Ghosh A et al.'s research (2015). However, higher or lower prevalence rate was reported in other studies (7, 9, 11, 13, 15). Eye (vision)- related problems were found in one-third of the cases, and the same was reported by many studies. Some studies, observed a higher prevalence of impaired vision while some other reported a lower prevalence of impaired vision, compared with the current study (5, 9-11, 13, 15).
The prevalence of hypertension and diabetes were about 13% and 5% respectively in this research. This is while other studies predominantly reported a higher prevalence (even upto 52%) of hypertension (7, 10-12, 15). A hospital-based study reported the prevalence of diabetes to be higher than hypertension.5 Respiratory problems were seen in 28% of the study subjects, which was similar to one study but not in concurrence with other studies (7, 9, 13, 15). A similar trend was observed for neurological and urinary problems, and mental health and gynecological conditions (7, 9, 15-17). Cardiovascular disease was observed in 4% of the cases , which was lower than the findings by other studies (9, 11, 13, 15). Thus, morbidity pattern in the elderly was different in different parts of the country.
The prevalence of the diseases in elderly population are different in different parts of India, which makes it imperative for a larger national level research to find out the actual morbidity burden.
The authors would like to thank the faculties of Community Medicine department for their support. They are also grateful to all the staff for making arrangements to conduct the study. This research has been approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee, and has followed the highest possible standards of the code of ethics.
Conflict of interest
The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Ethical considerations
The study followed all the ethical principles of research and followed voluntary participation, informed consent, anonymity, confidentiality, potential for harm, and results communication.
Code of Ethics
 The study has been approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee and has followed the highest possible standards of code of ethics
Authors’ contributions
S. M, participated in the writing and designing of the study and drafted the manuscript; D. C, was involved in writing and designing of the study, performed the statistical analysis, and finalized the manuscript.
Open Access Policy
JCHR does not charge readers and their institution for access to its papers. Full text download of all new and archived papers are free of charge.

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Review: Research | Subject: Public Health
Received: 2021/05/25 | Accepted: 2023/09/18 | Published: 2023/11/28

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